Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 11, 2013

*Yawn* Good morning.  Had a late night since the husband had to work unexpectantly until 1am.  I stayed up and waited for him, reheating the cajun chicken alfredo I had made earlier.  The dish turned out quite well and I was a little upset that we couldn't enjoy it warm.

Anyway, I'm doing a bit of reading while I wait for the coffee to kick in.  :)  I will finish book one of Thicker than Blood and get it to the editor.  I sent the first 5k words to a beta reader, and this is what she had to say:
I found no problems at all with the flow of the story. I cracked up when the nurses were talking about the hand size. I could just see them gathered around the nurses station gossiping like that! You've got me drawn fully into this storyline and I would be greatly honored to read the rest of it! I am dying to know why Matt got so angry and stormed off when he learned who the doctor was!!
With that, I am very excited to finish and get it out to people to read. I am very thankful that God has allowed me the opportunity to focus on my writings during the week and not have to go to a job.  Our move to Houston has turned out to be a real blessing in disguise.  :)

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